Yandex: "I ​​was, I find, I'll find"

 This is the story of creation and life search engine "" which finds all the years

By far in 1990 the company's history dates back «Yandex». Then, headed to Arkady Volozh and Arkady Burkovska company called "Arcadia", the developers have transgressed to create their own search engine. On the web site of "Yandex" appeared in 1996, immediately after the developers of the system and the company «CompTek» decided to continue developing search technology. 

Arkady Volozh Yu - CEO of "Yandex"
Less than two years of hard work, the developers created "breakdown of goods and services" and the fourth and the fifth edition of the "International Classification of Inventions."
  • -Company "Arcadia" in 1993 became a subsidiary of «CompTek»;
  • -Based on the technology developed in 1994, the developers have created a retrieval system, providing jobs and a quick search on the King James translation of the New and Old Testament, under the title "Computer Bible Handbook";
  • -The "Academic editions of classics" on CD ROM was launched in 1995.

Algorithm for constructing a hypothesis was developed in early 1996. Since then, no longer tied to the dictionary morphological analysis, that is, if a word in the dictionary is missing, the system will automatically find the most similar to his word, and for that reason it will build a model of inflection.

In Russia at that time, the Internet has just begun ...

Developers search engine and the company «CompTek» summer of 1996 realized that to develop the technology of search more interesting and important than just creating the applied products based on it. In addition, far-reaching and timely search technologies shown by market research. That's when the internet search engine and there was "Yandex".
This, at first glance a strange word "Yandex" invented one of the oldest and major developers search engine, yet a few years before.

The word "Yandex" actually means "language index», or if the drop deeper, in English «Yandex» can be interpreted as «Yet Another indexer». It should be noted that for many years the search engine on the market by users, there were other interpretations of the word "Yandex". For example, as noted by some, if translated from English first letter in the word «Index» (born «I» - «I"), we get the word "Yandex".

The company «CompTek» announced its first product in a series of "Yandex", namely "Yandex.Site" and "Yandex.Dict", the exhibition «Netcom'96». October 18, 1996. Six months after the event came to retrieve documents in CD ROM - «Yandex.CD", and later saw the light and fully featured library of "Yandex" for integration in the database and application - "Yandex.Lib." 
The official announcement of the search engine «yandex» took place at the exhibition «Softool» September 23, 1997.

Natural language query was implemented in November 1997, two months after the official announcement of the search engine. Since then, the search engine «» can easily handle simple "in Russian," to easily ask him long questions like "where to buy a ship," or boldly ask long queries like "products without genetically modified organisms" or " secret codes of nuclear warheads Iran "and to receive accurate answers. Today, the average length of query «» is about 2.7 words, whereas in the distant 1997 the average query length was 1.2 words, and perhaps because at that time, the first users of the search engine is owned by old habits terse telegraphic style .

In 1998, "" learned to look for in a given date range, search for similar documents, sort search results by last modified time and displays the list of servers.

Russian segment of the Internet by 1999, has grown as the number of users and in the amount of text, and this year was a period of very rapid development of "Yandex". To date, searchable database of «» has grown to become twice more than that of its nearest competitor.

Search engine index your site if your site will be a link from another site already indexed by the system or if you do submit your site to the search database "Yandex". In addition, the search engine «» of the above links affects the "TIC" ("Theme citation index").

Thematic Index of Citing (TIC) is determined by the quality and quantity of inbound links to your site. The position of your site in this section and its relevance in the catalog of "Yandex" is determined by the value of the citation index.

At the moment, the search engine «» is the largest in runet, its share of the search engines retained about 45%, while going after search engine «rambler» boasts only 22%. Every day, more than 500 servers, the company more than two and a half million visitors, give the 2.7 terabytes of traffic. 

Yandex - there is everything!

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